From Mon Jun 23 21:48:19 1997 Return-Path: <> Received: from by; Mon, 23 Jun 1997 21:48:16 +0200 Received: from ([]) by (8.6.12/8.6.9) with SMTP id QAA29292 for <>; Mon, 23 Jun 1997 16:17:55 -0400 Received: by with Microsoft Mail id <>; Mon, 23 Jun 97 15:48:20 PDT From: Karen Hazzah <> To: "''" <> Subject: Your post to vxd newsgroup Date: Sun, 22 Jun 97 20:51:00 PDT Message-ID: <> Encoding: 22 TEXT X-Mailer: Microsoft Mail V3.0 I posted an answer to your question in the newsgroup. I also have additional information for you. I can email you the binary for VxD which does exactly what you need: given a physical address, returns a pointer that can be used by a Win32 application. I'll also give you source for a Win32 app which uses the VxD to read an area of physical memory. I don't offer this solution to everyone, since in most cases the proper solution is for them to write a VxD which interacts with their hardware, rather than simply getting a pointer to the hardware and interacting with it from an application. However, in your case, you're just using a VxD as a tool to get your Linux driver shouldn't have to write a VxD for this :-) Let me know if you're interested. =============================================================================== Hello Karen A long time ago, you sent me your VXD for reading an area of physical memory under Win32, so I could make register dumps of the graphic chip. Did I ever mention, that it works perfectly for me? Why I contact you is, that I really would like to offer this solution to all XFree86 members, so that it will be much easier in the future for XFree86 to develop drivers for graphic boards. Can I count with your agreement? Would you like to add a special copyright to your software? Stefan =============================================================================== From Wed Mar 4 00:00:28 1998 Return-Path: <> Received: from ( []) by (8.8.8/8.8.8) with SMTP id AAA03709 for <>; Wed, 4 Mar 1998 00:00:26 +0100 Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.9) with ESMTP id TAA31217 for <>; Tue, 3 Mar 1998 19:48:10 -0500 Received: by with Internet Mail Service (5.5.1960.3) id <F5X7MBSS>; Tue, 3 Mar 1998 18:00:26 -0500 Message-ID: <> From: "Hazzah, Karen" <> To: Stefan Dirsch <> Subject: RE: VXD binary for Win32 for reading an area of physical memory Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 18:00:25 -0500 MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.1960.3) Content-Type: text/plain Status: ROr OK, you have my permission to make it publicly available, as is. If you make it available on the web (ftp, etc.), please give me the URL so I can refer others to it.